Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Very Bad and Unlucky Sign For This Year

I'm feeling curious now, wondering is there still people reading my blog =).
Well, actually it does not matter, many thing have changed me now, i finally understood.
There are many thing actually far from my reach.
Erm, so far i think i have been doing the right thing and i am happy because i am not avoiding it.
Unfortunately, this YEAR was really a very bad and unlucky sign for me, first i lost my NIKE shoe, and today my car got bang by stupid fellow, who never learned reverse. The biggest joke was he ask me to claim his insurance for a small minor damages which i estimated around RM250 - RM 300. Damn it!
I ponder, if pay fine also cost like RM 300, and he eventually asked me to claim his insurance. After few minute of negotiating and end up he said he can paid a MAXIMUM of RM150. Well, lucky him because he met a kind person like me. OR ELSE.... #$%^@&&@ KNN + CCB..!
Erm...! CALM DOWN..!
Well, actually i parked my car at CCTD (new building) and when the accident happened i was not on the spot.
THANK TO HIS KINDNESS. He actually did wrote a short note and put on my car wiper. So cincai la.. give discount, and end up i got scolded by my mum.!! S.A.D During the night time pulak, while playing futsal, my another pair of shoes torn!!
Arggg.. Damn it!!
As i say: WHAT A Very Bad and Unlucky Sign For This Year.
ARgghhhhhhhhh..... MONEY FLY..!! S.A.D..