Saturday, April 19, 2008

April Babies

April is an absolute crazeeee month. Listing out birthday shout outs to all the April babies in our gang!!! Not 1, not 2 but... 5? hmprh... I guess coincidentally, the month of July is the perfect hardcore mating season huh?! :p

3rd of April
= TWO babies

Baby number one who officially turned legal this year.
Happy 21st Birthday Deer!
Kirkley Teh Yee Ben
My most pei kar guy bestie who comes back only twice a year but yet able to maintain the sampatness syndrome that we love. Although never once did able to celebrate your birthday together with the rest but we always did celebrate for you ere in our heart. As always, when you come back, we will give you a nice nice one k? :) TwentyOne d lorh... "Sang Sing Tit" a! Even though you big boy d, yet you will always be our funny deer ;p
Reminiscence of the good ol' days huh! hehe

The next one is the younger baby who finally join us in the TWO's generation.

Happy 20th Birthday COCK SHARP! :p

Sean Cheok Wee YaThe youngest boy but the coolest stoner in the group. That sums it up why he is known as our COCK SHARP *bleahk* He is our secret weapon for POKER. Yaw Yaw the Poker King or also can be classified as the KING OF GAMBLER. The paling gaya young and vibrant gambler in town. Woooots. Introducing his infamous asset ...

Don't be fool by his look cos he is a creative artist to be :) Hope you had a blast this year.

Coincidentally on 22nd of April = Another TWO Babies. Pre birthday shout out for em both.

Sze Meng , the self proclaim Edison Chen look alike celebrating his 21 years old birthday soon. Had an early one before he left tho. Happy 21st Birthday Edison! haha. Not self proclaim lah...Everyone think so as well but just the chubbier version. Lolx.

Don't believe? Spot the similarity..

All the best with flying and be careful with handling the camera k? *wink*

Now, finally the youngest baby girl in the group turns 20. Welcome to our TWO's generation ,Lim Shan Ti.

In advance, Happy 20th Birthday Ms.CinaGirlwithIndianName !

My favorite sweetheart friend with her favorite pose. This latest one is with Mr.Black Label -.-"'

i think she has a folder filled with pics of her posing with alco bottles. Certified ALCOHOLIC beeyatch! hehe.

And how can we not forget that she is a strawberry maniac. Even her Xmas gift were all strawberries. Happy lil girl, she is!

More strawberries for her birthday? :p

Well, as for the last one,my babi fren DJ Ernest Chow whose birthday is on the 31st of March. Just one day before April. Considering him as part of it as well la...

Happy Belated 20th Birthday BeachBoy!

He is one of the reason why our Friday nights are most of the time spend in BarClub. Put Your Hands Up for DJ ERNEST CHOW!

One shot , sOoo many birthdays to celebrate. How to not be broke on this particular month? Not only money not enough but time also tak de!

Tonnes of pics to upload for the continuous celebrations... Having a major headache with handling those overloaded overlapping pics. The consequences of loving the camera too much. tsk tsk

Will need to post all of it up section by section. Sorry darlings & brothers for the delay. Let me pre warn you that the next few following posts will be filled with pictures! Don't say that I didn't warn ya.