Thursday, April 10, 2008

Cheng Meng

Cheng Beng or Cheng Meng?

Oh well..

It is only spelling. It doesn't matter as long we know what is the meaning of that day, right?

Every year, same routine. The gathering of my dad's side of the family at the Thai Temple somewhere around Gasing Height. The temple which I feel most comfortable lepaking at. Yes, u heard me right! I love LEPAKING at the temple. Been there ever since at the age of 9? I can easily sleep or stay there as though it's my home. I am serious *grin*

Temple is not only a place for you to go for prayers and all but also to relax and free your mind. However most of the time I go there is for prayers larh.. Just exactly like what I did on last Sunday.

Prolly you can imagine the crowd just by looking at the amount of joss sticks..
Try to spot my deceased grandfather's memorial stone.

The offerings of his favorite food from all of his children. That's the Chinese tradition. I know some of you may think that it doesn't make sense to lay all those food for the deceased when the actual fact those food won't be eaten by the deceased. Well, for me, I interpret it as more like a thoughtful gesture thing of paying respect to your beloved deceased ones and that they have not been forgotten. Also, at least by doing this, it would bring back memories of those days when they were still alive.
As always, it's the thought that counts rite?