Monday, April 21, 2008

Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today.

I spent today thinking about how things could have been different if only I had the courage to do things differently in the past.I finally got it figured out, it all boils down to how I deal with things in my life.

I've always been the one who's so self-assured, so full of myself.I give advice to people confidently, because I've always thought of my way of life as the best.But I guess I was wrong.

I procrastinate. I always procrastinate.Whether it comes to school work, friends, appointments, promises, special dates and even to sleep, I procrastinate. I delay, therefore I am always late.I always wait for tomorrow what I can do today, and in some cases, it benefited me, but in most other cases, I just landed myself in a pile of crap OR, OR... by procrastinating, I have denied myself some great things. some things that are better than what I have gotten.

I always shy away from doing a lot of things.I don't like embarrassing myself. And a lot of things, a lot of things I didnt do because there was a significant risk of embarrassment. thinking back, these things could've made great memories, could've brought me to meet more friends, could've given me a higher confidence so that I may in future embarrass myself more just because I enjoy doing so.

I always make the wrong decisions.I'm not proud of the choices I've made in the past. Sometimes I lay awake at night in regret of things that's i've decided to say or do or buy. I regret saying some things to some people, I regret doing a lot of useless shit and I regret buying good-for-nothing expensive shit.
These days I find myself sleeping my days away. Because I'm always tired. Will I have the courage to wake up early tomorrow, make the right decisions and not shy away from things that could've been great?