Today is a day quite have fun with my frens..cos one of my fren he came down from K.K and back to my previous company having a trianing course!! and all this guys is last time my previous company coll and aso my best "blowing water frens"hehe..ooppss did i say wrong something huh??haha.. so today after their company training couse end around 5something, me and jerry was went to meet them up for yum cha ..cos today is melvin going back to K.K after the training course..meanwhile Jerry last time also from my previous company and now he got a liner hire him at CMA so now he jump over there already!! so when both of us reach there we heard from eric say that kelvin was going to become a sale manager in Citra man !! that's cool..neway wish you all the best haha..but the way, now kelvin is going to be sale manager, jerry is a sale senior at CMA, eric is a operation senior exct..haha jz only melvin is a sale officer man..hey melvin i think u have to add more oil to get a pose in Citra d..haha..ofcos im aso cant lose to you la melvin..cos im a asst sale manager in JWF already jz get the pose not long ago haha..neway all the best for us and archive our career man..dont forget we got 1words to the whole world customer is "COME SHIP WITH US" haha..
Actually nothing much to talk in yum cha la..jz char-ing each other talk bout yday midnight how we drank and also get drunk in damansara man!! hey jerry,melvin,kelvin and eric wait after CNY melvin came back to here again i think we dont order 5Tower d le..tak cukup syok la..i think we have to order 15Tower man haha...but how also we spend 600++ in 5Tower at damansara wah lao ..the bill is killing us man..nvm la..once in the blue mood only drink only!! And talk bout how we going to archive our career and giving each other opinion in our shipping 1 thing i cant believe it is i can talk all the things to this few 25-30 yrs old "fai cai" frens haha cool man!!
Too bad that yday is my bad mood, haiz all is becos of man!! love again haiz..!! neway wanna ask you all is it fall in love to someone is it so san fu huh?? actually i fall in love to someone but the game is just only for 2person in the game and is not for third party to enter but i think im was the third party man!! But finally i found out and get the answer that i wan on yday i was telling myself mayb this game is not allow third party to play and this it the time for me to slowly quit the game haiz!!how also i think is my time to put all my attention in all my work and archive my career!! so this is what i goin to do and start from now!! haiz..that's why yday midnight go up to damansara find them drink beer!!to forget all the sad things!!
wtf.. the belt is costing me Rm60 and the 2 cloths is costing me Rm88 is already discount with Padini membership card!
Meanwhile today i after yum cha with them i was going back home take a bath then ring danny up to go out for shopping this is the 2 cloths and 1 belt i bought in PADINI!!
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